Lib Dems feel the difference

Take the security. Not quite a ring of steel around the Echo Arena in Liverpool but nevertheless a surprise to many of the old guard.
One poor lady was peturbed by not being allowed to leave her suitcase with the stewards. "I could last year."
Ah, but what a difference a year makes.
I asked the new MP for Cambridge, Dr Julian Huppert, whether he had expected to be in government when he was elected last May.
"Absolutely not but it was the only thing we could do.
"I was in the team trying to thrash out an agreement and it was made so clear that Labour simply weren't interested. They sat down and said 'sign up to our manifesto' - to tuition fees going up to £7,000, to ID cards, Trident and the rest. There was no give and take. A coalition with the Conservatives was the only viable option and it was in the national interest."
That was a sentiment trumpeted in Nick Clegg's speech. In a businesslike address, he defended the coalition and concentrated on the economic crisis in advance of what we expect to be a swingeing public spendiing review.
Mr Clegg's reception was warm but by no means ecstatic, leaving the impression that there is a distance between the leadership of this party and its grassroots.
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