Hi there bloggerloggers,
Dom here again. Hope you're having a nice Wednesday. I'm very much enjoying mine and am looking forward to a Liverpool win tonight againt PSV. For non football fans PSV are ateam that play in Eindhoven and the initials stand for "Peter Stringfellow's Volvo". (He gave all the players a new car once. Possibly)
Anyway - today on the show we tried to wake a sleeping Scott Mills. We did this by using undercover military tactics - or put another way - we hid 2 mobile phones in his bedroom. We then rang them. Again....and again....and again...and again....and again.....and again. Childish? Sure - but very funny.
I hope you're enjoying Scott Cam as much as we are. We have a few bets on that Scott will not be quite as enthusiastic about the whole thing come Friday.
Today i am going home for a long sleep as i feel pooped at the moment. I'm meant to be writing the (non) award winning odd box today but it'll have to wait until tomorrow as i don't have the proper use of my brain due to fatigue.
Good luck Liverppol !!!!
Have a nice day or mercredi if you prefer,
Dom x
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