Chart Report - 04/11/07
1 - Leona Lewis - 'Bleeding Love'
ChartSnipe: What I love best about the title to this song is that it makes me think of a cockney philosopher, a kind of Phil Mitchell-Buddha hybrid, who has just been asked to explain the arcane mysteries of the human heart. "Wossat?", he'd say, "You wanna know about bleedin' lav, do ya? Wew, let me tew ya, it's bleedin' weird, is lav. Iss like when you 'it a pigeon wiv yer Jag, only you stop to wipe it orf and there ain't no mess. That's bleedin' lav, that is..." The actual song itself can only be a mild let-down by comparison. (FM)
2 - Take That - 'Rule The World'ChartSnipe: Is there any band that's not staging a comeback right now? Take That are back for good, the Spice Girls are planning to reconquer the world, as are the Backstreet Boys, All Saints and the four-piece Five have been and gone, apparently even Boyzone are thinking about it (they've all been called to a Ronan Meeting). We're still holding out for the Reynolds Girls comeback tour. (SP)
3 - Westlife - '³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ'ChartSnipe: It really does come to something when people are outraged by your new single because it's a cover version of a song by Michael Buble (c'mon, Michael Parkinson likes Michael Buble, doesn't this tell you people anything?) and this is somehow sacrilege. Where were you lot when we all took to the streets to defend Billy Joel's honour? Or Barry Manilow's? Or Cliff's? Or Terry Jacks'? Oh OK, fair enough, we've all got lives to lead... (FM)
4 - Timbaland pts. OneRepublic - 'Apologize'ChartSnipe: Hey what's with all this sticking two words together and keeping the capital letter in the middle? What's wrong with calling your band One Republic, eh? Are you worried that people will get bored in between the first word and the second and so you have to rush them through the whole name just keep their attention? Or are you trying to be all iPod trendy? Well, you'd never catch ChartBlog doing anything as lame as that. Nosireebob. (FM)
5 - Mark Ronson ft Amy Winehouse - 'Valerie'ChartSnipe: "I miss your ginger hair", sings young Amy Winehouse, "and the way you like to dress". Which leaves one pretty urgent line of inquiry...How many people does she hang around with that DON'T like to dress? Enough that she misses the ones who do? Or has she drunk so much she now believes she's in a 24 hour nudist colony? Someone should check...
The entire Top 40 is right here...
timberland pts onerepublic is a mint tune and i can never get it out of my head once ive herd it
One of the lousiest top 5 of chart blog!!!
all of the songs sucks big time!!!