It was an invitation nobody would turn down. "Come and play volleyball with us," the young Indian coach said.
I stepped across the stoney ground littered with rubbish, and took my place on one side of the net.
The thought that I hadn't played the game since I was at school and would make a fool of myself was totally irrelevant.
These were the slums of Mumbai. The teenagers around me were enjoying themselves on a tiny patch of ground which they hope one day will be turned into a tidy sports field.
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International gymnastics chiefs have accused of going back on a key bid promise to the athletes by moving some Olympic events to .
London organisers are struggling to persuade badminton and rhythmic gymnastics to sign up to Wembley because of the travelling time from the athletes' village in east London.
The sports were due to be held much closer to the Olympic Park in a temporary arena near the .
Asked if 2012 had gone back on their pledge that athletes would compete - and not commute - at the Games, secretary general Andre Gueisbuhler told the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ: "Yes. I always said it was about the athletes' experience.
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