get creative

Title: Messy metal

Audio by Sam from Scotland | in music & audio, genre, rock & indie

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1.00 out of 5

Messing around in drop D, seeing how fast I can play.


    • 1. At on 27 Apr 2010, Jake wrote:

      Attempting to play fast in drop D to be 'insane' is not cool, or clever. And it doesn't sound good either. I don't know when this was uploaded, but if it was uploaded recently, I'd suggest moving away from drop D, fastnessness and anything else related to fast for that matter, and learn music for what it is. The harsh critic that I am, I'd suggest first creating ambient noise, weird ambient noise. Weird as possible ambient noise. Creative ambient noise. Appreciate the noise of other people, and once you understand music for what it is (noise). Then you can create anything, you'll also be far more inspired than you can ever imagine. I promise :), best of luck mate.

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