
get creative

Title: BiteBite - He's Dead

by CarysMarie16 from Wales | in writing, fiction, novels

I pulled me and Josh to the couch, and we started kissing. His hands were running through my long black hair, and my hands were wrapped around his neck. I pulled away from his soft lips, and started to kiss his neck, my lips pacing up and down. I kissed his neck gently, and pulled my lips back, revealing my white glistening teeth. Josh芒聙聶s eyes were closed, and I struck quickly. I bit his neck, and heard him shout. I licked the cut on his neck, and started to drain him of his delicious blood. Josh was the twenty-third boy I芒聙聶d gotten rid of in two months. My parents, Jan and Pete were always wondering where all the boys went. I just said we were too different. They believed it, and that was it dropped. These boys were all just fun to me. I satisfied them with sex, and all that, and then they satisfied me with blood. I never feel guilty about it though. Their parents just worry, and report a missing person, and I just laugh.
I licked my lips, and picked up Josh with my one hand. I walked out of the back door, where the local river was five minutes away. I ran over to it, kissed Josh on the head, and dumped him in there. I heard the car door slam. My parents were back. Damn. I ran back into the house, just as my mother walked in, closely followed by my dad. 芒聙聹Hey Mel芒聙聺 Dad said. I smiled, and walked into the kitchen. I got a Coca 芒聙聯Cola out of the fridge, and gulped it in one. 芒聙聹Nice day sweetie?芒聙聺 Mom said.
芒聙聹Yeah, it was okay芒聙聺 I replied, and tossed the can in the garbage.
芒聙聹Where芒聙聶s Josh? Or is he called Jake?芒聙聺 Mom asked.
芒聙聹Oh, Josh芒聙聶s gone home. We broke up芒聙聺 I said casually.
芒聙聹Really? Why? I liked that one芒聙聺 she said, sounding shocked.
芒聙聹No, he didn芒聙聶t trust me, he said I was always with boys芒聙聺 I explained.
芒聙聹Well, you don芒聙聶t have any girlfriend芒聙聶s honey芒聙聺.
芒聙聹I know. Girls hate me. They芒聙聶re jealous芒聙聺 I told her, and walked upstairs. I heard Mom sigh, and make her way into the lounge.

I sat at my laptop, talking to Freddie, another friend of mine. Rumours had been going around the school that he liked me. He likes me; I like blood, perfect combo. My mom knocked my door; I quickly closed the conversation, and opened the door. 芒聙聹What?芒聙聺 I said bluntly.
芒聙聹Me and Dad want to talk to you Mel芒聙聺 she said quietly.
I sighed. 芒聙聹Can芒聙聶t we do this later?芒聙聺 I moaned.
芒聙聹No! Downstairs, now芒聙聺 she snapped, and walked down the stairs. I sighed again, and followed her into the lounge.
芒聙聹Sit down Melissa芒聙聺 my dad said, pointing to the couch.
芒聙聹Me and your Dad have some exciting news to tell you!芒聙聺 Mom smiled. I rolled my eyes. Exciting to them was an antiques shop. 芒聙聹We芒聙聶re moving to California!芒聙聺 Mom exclaimed.
芒聙聹What? Wait, why?芒聙聺 I stammered.
芒聙聹There was a promotion at work, and I got it. But it芒聙聶s based in California芒聙聺 Dad explained to me. I nodded. 芒聙聹We芒聙聶re going next week, the house is amazing, we芒聙聶re right by the beach, and you芒聙聶re room is huge! You芒聙聶ll love it!芒聙聺 Mom said.
芒聙聹Can芒聙聶t I just stay here?芒聙聺 I asked.
芒聙聹No! Of course not honey. You芒聙聶ve got to buy food, pay bills, and it芒聙聶s too far away. I芒聙聶m not letting you stay in Texas on your own, while we芒聙聶re in California!芒聙聺 Mom explained, and hugged me.
芒聙聹Fine芒聙聺 I said.
芒聙聹We芒聙聶re leaving on Monday, so we can pack up tonight and tomorrow芒聙聺 Dad said.
芒聙聹You芒聙聶ll love the school too, it芒聙聶s the best in the area芒聙聺 Mom smiled. 芒聙聹Now, let芒聙聶s pack some of your things dear芒聙聺 she said, and ushered me up too my room.

A couple of hours later, all my clothes were in boxes, all my cd芒聙聶s , DVD芒聙聶s and books in another. We still had some more packing to do. I couldn芒聙聶t believe the words that came out of my parents芒聙聶 mouths earlier. California of all places? How was I going to deal with all the snobby rich kids in that new school? I didn芒聙聶t want a Hollywood lifestyle. I wanted to carry on playing my game in Texas. Not Hollywood.

I got woken up bright and early on Monday morning. I glanced at my phone. 4:00am. You had to be kidding me. 芒聙聹Morning Melissa芒聙聺 Mom whispered. 芒聙聹You芒聙聶re going to have to get ready, we芒聙聶re flying at 6:30芒聙聺 she explained, and left me to get changed. I slipped into a tight-fitting tank top, skinny jeans, and some red converse. I picked up my bag, and made my way into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and went downstairs.

We arrived at the airport at 5:00. We checked in, and wearily made our way onto the plane. Thank God it was only around two hours to get here. I closed my eyes to try and get some more sleep, but the flight attendant芒聙聶s were coming around with food and drink. I was so thirsty. I didn芒聙聶t want water, Coca-Cola or anything like that. I wanted some fresh, warm thick blood. I could imagine it flowing through my throat, touching my lips, and someone kissing me, and...
芒聙聹Melissa! Melissa!芒聙聺 Dad shook me. I jumped. He startled me.
芒聙聹What?芒聙聺 I said, blinking.
芒聙聹We芒聙聶re here芒聙聺 he smiled, and got my bag for me. I smiled weakly, and followed everyone out of the plane. 芒聙聹Have a nice day芒聙聺 the flight attendant smiled at me. I smiled back, and made my way out into the Californian sunshine. The sun was so bright, and hot, and I wasn芒聙聶t used to it, after being cooped up in a plane. I rummaged in my bag for my sunglasses, and stuck them over my eyes. I saw my mom walking into LAX, and me and my dad followed. 芒聙聹It芒聙聶s hot right?芒聙聺 Dad said.
芒聙聹Too hot芒聙聺 I grumbled.
Dad, Mom and I all got our suitcases, and managed to grab at cab. It was around 9:00 by the time we got to the house.

We pulled up, and got out. Dad paid the driver, and him and the driver got the cases out of the trunk. I took mine from the driver, and waited for Mom to open the door. She finally found the keys, and opened the door, the door to a new place, a new life, but not a new me. 芒聙聹Here we go!芒聙聺 she squealed. Dad kissed her on the head, and we all followed her into the new house. 芒聙聹Ooh, I forgot how big it is Pete!芒聙聺 she exclaimed.

芒聙聹Do you like it Melissa?芒聙聺 she asked me. I shrugged. We put our cases on the floor, and made our way around the house. After what seemed like seeing a thousand of the same rooms, we came to mine. 芒聙聹And this is your room!芒聙聺 Mom said, and opened the door. Inside the room, was a fireplace in the centre, and a big chandelier hanging above it. There was a big double bed in front of the fireplace, and on the left side of the bed, was a balcony. On the right, was a dresser, and a wardrobe. Next to the wardrobe was a bathroom. The walls were painted white, and the bedcovers a turquoise colour. There were soft white curtains blowing in front of the balcony. 芒聙聹It芒聙聶s, its ok芒聙聺 I said.
芒聙聹Ok? I would have loved a room like this when I was your age!芒聙聺 Mom smiled. 芒聙聹We芒聙聶ll leave you to get settled芒聙聺 she said, and her and my dad walked off. I sighed. The room was nice, but to me it was boring. I wasn芒聙聶t like every other seventeen year old in Hollywood. I didn芒聙聶t like shopping, I didn芒聙聶t like pop music or reality shows. But two things I loved?
Boys and blood.

芒聙聹Mom! I芒聙聶m going out!芒聙聺 I shouted.
芒聙聹Where?芒聙聺 she said.
芒聙聹Um, there芒聙聶s a cafe up by here, I芒聙聶ll be back soon!芒聙聺 I replied, and slammed the front door behind me.

I walked up two blocks, and found what I was looking for. A cafe that was surrounded by teenagers. I walked in and sat down. I looked at the menu, and the waitress came over. 芒聙聹Hi, how are you?芒聙聺 she said sweetly.
芒聙聹I芒聙聶m good thanks. I芒聙聶ve never been here, so what芒聙聶s good?芒聙聺 I asked her.
芒聙聹Well, the milkshakes here are famous in town. Are you new in town?芒聙聺 she asked.
芒聙聹Uh, yeah. I芒聙聶ll have a chocolate milkshake please芒聙聺 I ordered.
芒聙聹Yeah great. That芒聙聶s $3.00 please芒聙聺 she said. I handed her five dollars, and instructed her to keep the change. I looked around, and saw at least five tables filled up with teenage boys and girls. I could see why. The cafe had a retro feel, and was playing rock music. It looked busy. A couple tables next to me, there was a cute boy. I batted my eyelashes over my green eyes, and smiled. Let芒聙聶s see if I can still work my magic, I thought.

My milkshake came, and so did Mr Cute. He introduced himself as Danny, and he sat down. We got talking, and before I knew it, I was going back to his place. He said his parent芒聙聶s were out, and it was too loud in the cafe. I knew what he meant. I slurped up the last of my milkshake, and followed him out of the cafe. I quickly glanced at the name of cafe. Dorothy Dean cafe. I芒聙聶ll be there a lot more.

We got in his car, and parked outside his house. I followed him inside, and we went into his room. I leant forward, and touched my lips to his. He kissed me back, and before I knew it, I was lying next to him, in his parent芒聙聶s bed. I didn芒聙聶t even know how we got there. I kissed him again, and he kissed me back. We carried on kissing, and I bit. He screamed out in pain, and never said a word again. He was dead, and drained of blood. Twenty- fourth boy in two months. That芒聙聶s gotta be a record right?

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Just something I thought of... Hope you like it! Melissa is basically a 17yr old rockchick, who loves boys, sex and blood. Especially blood. She moves to California from Dallas, Texas, and this is hopefully an okay 1st chapter!


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