Title: Once upon a moment ...
by MadMadamMo from North Yorkshire | in writing, poetry, story-telling
Like a sectret sleeping beauty she lies.
Sensuous smells she gently breathes.
Soft little blades beneath her hands feels.
Bruised by the bashful sunshine.
Scattered through the arms of shade.
An ear for silence, select sounds,
Of simple times and happy rhymes.
Gaze upon a handsome stranger.
Deep in a book, magical eyes look.
Drawn in by precision of posture.
Rambling curls that reach down romantic face.
Out of his world he searched.
Takes a glance, wispers a line to the distance.
Watched for a while, he continues.
Temptation gives in as she takes,
A prolonged look at the subject.
Intrigued by his occasional wispers.
Notice the play script in his fingers.
A chasing breeze drags at her dress.
Her attention wisked away.
As she looks again ...
Realises he wasn't to stay ...
a moments fantisy...