Title: Earth's Prophecy
by Becky from Lancashire | in writing, poetry
Beneath the dwelling of menacing depth,
'Scape a surging swell of ominous blue.
Shattered crystals of icy memoirs smother the vast plain,
Like a serpent's grasp, writhed ribbons, a noose on the gallows.
Mountainous spiral of prowess and proportion,
Engulfs impenetrable darkness.
A raging flame of hell and damnation,
Storms a path of utmost death and destruction.
Peace on Earth lies in tattered ruins.
Burning sphere of fiery flames,
Powerful force of incinerating gas.
Bullet of fire, tempest of hate,
A blazon desert of charred meanings.
Desolate, emptiness, suffrage forgotten,
The slow suicide we condemned to our Earth...
Is now over.
Scientific Prediction For The 'End Of The World'