Title: In a moment everything changed
by Mary | in writing, fiction
In a moment everything changed. Our lives, our world. The world, as I had known it crashed right in front me. It was my fault.
It was my fault I loved. I worked a lifetime for a reputation, a name, a post. And then'I ruined it all. My best friend, my boss, my teacher! It was impossible, immoral'but it was worse. I worked next to him for all those years, loving him more and more with every moment that passed. 10 years'20 years'30'and now 40. It was forty years since I begun working for him'but I have loved him for even more. Even more years behind, back in a time most would call history'I call it love.
One day, decades ago, I stepped across the entrance of a school. Young'and scared. And then I met my match. The one man I could never escape'My teacher. He smiled at me warmly. And I smiled back, the shy smile of a schoolgirl that would turn in the beautiful smile of a young woman'warm smile of a middle aged'and in the end of a most respectable lady. The same smile.
He has aged too. Though'he never changed'his eyes'the eyes that charmed me as a 7 year old'remained the same. Still charming me whenever I look in them.
It was too much. Before I could stop myself'I was leaning closer'I was kissing him. How could I? I was not only ruining my life'but his too. But nothing mattered. He kissed me back. And as the whole world stared at us, I felt the earth vibrating with the power of the strongest love a love that lived so long, through rain and wind, a love that conquered the greatest enemy'the time.
Our life has changed for ever. They would never look at me as a role model'or maybe 'They would.
Hm... 'You know I'm no good' and Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series.