Title: [untitled]
by Adam from London | in writing, fiction
Lewis hopped along the old school corridor with his crutches being dragged along behind him. Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of him and stopped. He came to a halt and balanced up against a wall.
'Long time no see "
'Yeah said Lewis. 'Why did you kill those passengers on the train?"
'I did it because its fun,"
Lewis replied "you used water to drown is that your ability?.......controlling water......aaaaaaah so I take it you're one of them...a relic.
'Yes and slowly I will kill everyone in this city until you and I are left. And then we shall compete."
The shadow disappeared leaving Lewis stranded in the deserted building on his own, in the middle of his night with no idea, on how to get home.
Improvisation. I am also the author of Winning is losing and Stirring night skies