Title: [untitled]
by Emily from Lincolnshire | in writing, fiction
Ben: Nikki where did you put my mobile?
Nikki: I gave it back on the train remember
Ben: No you didn't I bet you stole it
Nikki: Well I'm your mate so I wouldn't nick it
Ben: Well I haven't had it back and I gave it to you last
Nikki: Can't you just believe me
Ben: Sure when you nicked stuff before
Nikki: That was once
Ben: That's my ringtone
Nikki: I have to go
Ben: Wait you have my mobile give it back!
Nikki: Here take it I hate you Ben
Ben: You're the thief why hate me?
Well Ben loses his phone and blames Nikki and it turns out that Nikki had it because she wanted attention. I got the idea from a true story which happened between 2 people at school. It happened more than once to different people.