Title: The way I look at it
by Rosie from Hampshire and Isle of Wight | in writing, fiction
P.O.V of a 16/17-year-old boy walking down a dimly light city street at night. Digetic sound of his footsteps and his mp3, dialogue used as a voiceover cuts in a few seconds later each part told in statements
'My tribe is easily recognized as the sun shines through our legs, jeans tightly wrapped around us. White earphones the only fruit we're seen with.
We take part in intoxicating rituals weekly upon the night sky, it's good, when we all Co-Op. Fear me for wearing a hood' I wear a hood, as I fear rain.
Great A-level results then they're obviously far too easy. Do you want healthy kids? Advertise healthy foods! Shuffle back to the 60's it was no different then.
Everyone looks better in their MySpace picture.
Alex Turner is the closest thing we to have Shakespeare.'
It's a story about the prejudice against young poeple and how they feel about what the media say and write about them.