Title: Untitled
by Hannah from Nottinghamshire | in writing, fiction
Speaker: I know what you mean mate. Makes y' laugh when y' see chavs on TV. S'like they think every under twenties' a walking ASBO, or at least a bit too quick with the hair gel. Saying that, this right rowdy boy was sent into my maths class yesterday, sat there kicking chairs, feeling hard. It was kinda sad, that young- an' a no hoper. S'not just that though, s'like Skins on TV. Some skinny-fits 'n drugs - everyone's obsessed. Read a review about it, 'beautiful teenagers' it said. Beautiful? Talk about hypocrisy . Yeah, know what you mean mate.
The script is a monologue that discusses the negative impacts on young people of commercial representations of 'youth' and 'youth culture'. I was inspired by the things I heard and saw my peers doing. I passed a girl in the common room yesterday who said ""It'll just be like Skins."" Is that a good thing? It's become just another fantasy that I see fourteen year olds trying to live up to.