Title: I am new
by Tasha from Cheshire | in writing, poetry
Many wishes, many stars,
thoughts of you my heart desires.
Just for you i'd give my all;
through broken glass my soul would crawl.
Memories so past and distant,
still I call on them in an instant.
Memories of my life with you
tear at my heart yet still see me through.
And as I walk alone again through all the sadness, shock and pain.
Through the darkness light greets my tears
and I wish that you could follow as to wash away my fears.
Those memories of me and you
but through the darkness light shines through.
Gone is my heartache as the light shines bright and clear.
Its love draws me in and I wish it was you.
So warm, un-alone, paradise.
I am new.
These are actually song lyrics that I have written. They are about a girl looking back on all the good and heart-rending times she shared with her love; But she then comes to realise that she doesn't need to be regretful as she has moved on and is a new person.