Title: The Broken Rose By Laila
by Laila from London | in writing, fiction
When I sleep I see a new me, when I wake up I wish I was still sleeping. There goes my life I dream of a better way of living then realise am still sleeping and that's my life not perfect not like the 'me' in the sleep. Like everyone else I dream and when I dream am on top no one can bring me down. Then reality hits and when it does it always leaves a mark a mark so deep that I ask myself do I feel sorry for me or do I carry on believing that I can be this perfect girl, who the world sees as a beautifully individual then gets waken up by a comment, so small but to me so painfully that I wish I didn't wake up at all.
People mistake me for a strong person but don't realise am a weak child crying inside because life doesn't treat me in a way I should value it, instead I question it, 'why me' 'what if' words I use every time someone says something so mean, but I laugh and smile and act like am not in pain, am famous for that, 'the happy go-lucky girl'.
Someone asked me why I cover my face and hide behind my hair, I simple looked and said 'Am hiding from someone', deep inside I knew who I was hiding from, 'That girl' I hated her I wish I didn't have to see her, she made me who I am now I blame her for everything!. I hated staring at her and hate the fact that she runs my life 'That girl', I see her when I look in the mirror I try to cover her up but I still see her. There goes my life. So I sit here thinking should I feel sorry for me or do I carry on dreaming about how I wish I was that perfect girl that everyone loves.
I stood up to the people that bullied me so can you ! Be happy with how you look !