Title: Darkness
by frances | in writing, poetry
Oh my God my head!
It's pounding so hard it feels like an earthquake.
The darkness should be my friend, my shelter,
But the things that lurk there, it's just not worth it.
I'd rather the pain in my head than a death in the shadows.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
You probably all think I'm crazy,
A drunk old man scared of the dark.
But belive me I've seen the darkness
That's what makes me drink.
It calms the nerves you know,
Numbs the fear, if only for a little while.
Don't say I didn't warn you,
The next time you turn out your lights.
Beware my friend beware!
You're not safe anywhere.
My head, Oh my head.
Oh God kill me now.
Who turned out the lights?...
Dr Who and an alcoholic party