Title: Things are never quite right
by Chinukwe Shula from South Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
Loneliness, Despair
Depression, Guilt, Love
Is there a cure?
A second chance for one who is lost'
Open a book, Read between the lines
Imagine the scene
Experience the emotion
Live in a world unknown;
Pre-planned where there is no such thing as unforeseen occurrence
Write a book; pen down your thoughts
Create a world where you're in control
Escape!! Awaken, Relive
But there has to be an end as nothing is perennial
Reality always comes back to haunt you
Like a volcano all the emotions bubble up to the surface
Cheer-up things are going to be ok
Are they? Coz things are never what you want them to be.
The world and how some times things are never right..How things go wrong and you just have no control