Title: Seasons of love
by Imogen | in writing, poetry
When autumn leaves lie scattered on the ground
And the last warm rays of sun flee from the land;
When winter's ivory snow falls all around
And twinkling Christmas trees stand tall and grand;
When spring, the season of new life and birth
Brings leaping lambs and blossoms on each bough;
When summer sun falls radiant on the earth
And heated grass lies dry beneath the plough;
When the wind blows hot, or cold, or not at all
When seas are calm, or when they rage and roar;
When snow and rain does from the heavens fall
When cloudless skies do greet my eyes once more;
In all of these, and every other clime
I will love thee, until the end of time.
I just sat down and decided to write this - please tell me what you think :)