Title: Leaving High School
by Linda from South Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
For half a decade, they had been together.
Through thick and thin,
Good and bad,
The best and the worst.
And it was time to say goodbye to year 11.
The RE teacher said 'Thank God you're leaving!'
The maths teacher said, 'It's time for you to divide and go your separate ways.'
The French teacher said 'Bon Voyage!'
The English teacher said 'And they lived happily ever after, that was the end, full stop.'
The science teacher said, 'I'm sad to see you go, you bonded so well'
The geography teacher said, 'You lot off on your travels?'
The history teacher said, 'You've been here a long time, its time you conquered college.'
The drama teacher said 'Thou shalt leave this school now, thus beginning your journey into adulthood! The curtain has fallen on you all!'
The Art teacher said, 'You'll fit in EASELly!'
The PE teacher said, 'First one to the gate'on your marks, get set, go!'
And the pupils said 'Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!'
Leaving my high school and realising how much I loved it.