Title: Window...
by Kewi | in writing, poetry
That window...
How many people looked through that window?
Oh, but each of them saw something different...
And now I'm looking through that window too,
And I'm thinking...
I'm thinking that they've gone along with the images they've seen through the window...
That window, separating two parts of the same world:
The Watcher and the one being watched...
But is the one being watched also a watcher? Can it look at the one who's watching it?
Everybody looks through that window...
But are they also thinking, as they pass by looking through it, that not only they see the view hidden beneeth it, but also the window?
THAT window....
This poem is a collage of my random thoughts about windows, thoughts that pop up into my head everytime I look at something through a glass pane at home...