Title: Loup-Garou, 1
by DJ from Leicestershire | in writing, fiction
2093, I wait for the moon, as over 30,000 of us are at Clar, waiting. By 'us' I mean Loup-Garou, if you know that's French, from our ancestors.
The first of us were 'created', should I say, in France about 1765. By the way if you didn't know, Loup-Garou means Werewolf, in the ancient times (when we first appeared). There were only about 500 of us mainly in Europe, then at about the year 2000 our numbers increased greatly, know we dominate most of earth, when we are adults the Human are powerless against us, so they get us when were young and kill us.
Well the moon is coming so we will show are true form and hunt, me personally, I wish I was one of the Human. I shall continue after the hunt.
I've had this for ages, now I can get reviews on it...