Title: Daisy chain
by A | in writing, poetry
You were the common daisy,
Overlooked but beautiful.
You shyly closed your petals as the sun set,
You tried to blend away,
Camouflaged in the masses,
But to me you stood out.
Radiant as ever,
Wrapped in an intriguing mystery.
I wanted to pluck you from the crowds,
Give you the attention you never thought you were worthy of,
And the love and care that you truly deserved.
But you were part of a delicate chain,
Laced around her neck,
Fragile from afar,
Yet stronger than steel.
So I left you daisy,
For a while,
And I saw flashy roses,
Waxy lilies,
All I wanted was you, daisy.
Then, finally, your petals opened,
And your golden core dazzled me into silence.
And then something amazing happened.
The daisy spoke...
Everybody has a daisy :o)