Title: Pain that led to misery
by Kimisha from London | in writing, fiction
Where do I start? Where do I begin? I've been hurt so much, I just need a friend. Someone to relate to, someone to cast my cares on. Never met anyone like that. No-one has ever invited me to their house, invited me to a sleepover or even a birthday party. I've just always been that loner that sits in the corner just waiting for the hometime bell to ring. My mum? She's never been there that much. The most I see of her is at night when I'm ready to go to bed. 'Chan, Chani baby" she'll call at the bottom of the stairs. "Come down and give mummy a kiss and a hug goodnight". So every night this became a point of duty or more like a chore. All I do is write; I write because it's the only way I get my feelings out. This is what I wrote a couple of days ago......!!!
To be continued!!
My inspiration for writing this is because I am very aware of the things that young children go through and in particular in my play.