Title: How would you like it?
by Claudia-Rose from West Sussex | in writing, poetry
How would you like it?
if everyday you awoke
you would wake to nothing
nothing but darkness.
How would you like it?
if every time you came home
you would come back to nothing
nothing but pain.
How would you like it?
If every time you slept
you would feel nothing
nothing but despair.
How would you like it?
If every time you had a dream
you would dream of nothing
nothing but emptiness.
How would you like it?
If every time you cried
you would receive nothing
nothing but insults.
How would you like it?
If every time you smiled
you would smile about nothing
nothing but lies.
How would you like it?
If every time you thought
you would think of nothing
nothing but a memory.
How would you like it?
If every time you met someone
you would feel nothing
nothing but jealousy.
How would you like it?
If every time you laughed
you would laugh for nothing
nothing but sorrow.
How would you like it?
If you had to be me
you would be nothing
nothing but an echo!
Most of my inspiration for this cames from A character called Ryou Bakura from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! He is always alone and nobody understands him. The others' characters think he has it easy but they'll never understand. So I wrote this from his point of view. However, it's also partly from my personal feelings I guess...