Title: Flying high
by Chris from Northamptonshire | in writing, poetry
Ever stared at the sky and saw
Birds flying with amaze and awe
We all wish to be free
And yet these beings merely sit on a tree
The majestic eagle, blackbirds and pigeons
All flying without any sign of an engine
'The sky's the limit' is what we used to say
But on the ground we usually stay
With all the machines that we build
We are breaking away from the wild
The nearest thing we've got is paragliding
And to many it feels just like flying
To be able to fly and soar
Rather than to hear an engine roar
However never head towards a cloud
In case of thunder that is loud
Open your eyes and the truth you will see
That you were dreaming just like me
Amazing creatures of every shape and size
Each of which deserve a prize
Let's all be grateful that they are still here
To fill us with dreams and cheer
So again, ever stared at the sky and saw
Birds flying with amaze and awe
Our many winged friends