Sampling data - Intermediate & Higher tier - WJEC
Sampling helps estimate the characteristics of a large population through the use of a smaller representative group. This can be useful in market research, medical testing, and product development.
Cumulative frequency – Intermediate & Higher tier - WJEC
Cumulative frequency tables are often used to display large data sets of continuous or discrete data. Histograms are used to display data when the group sizes are different.
Averages and range - WJEC
Averages are used in everyday life to give us information about a set of numerical data, give an overview of the values seen and tell us the most common outcome. Range measures the spread of the data.
Range and box-and-whisker plots - WJEC
Calculation of range and median along with Box-and-whisker plots and Cumulative frequency tables are effective ways to compare distributions and to summarise their characteristics.
Discussing results - WJEC
Graphical representations of data are common in today’s society. Understanding and interpreting graphs correctly is a vitally important skill useful in different walks of life.
Video playlist
Mean, median and mode. Video
An animated guide to mean, median and mode.
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