
Key points

  • Cameras and eyes both detect light.
  • Both cameras and the human eye use lenses to focus light.
  • Both cameras and the human eye contain material that is sensitive to light.
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The eye

The parts of the eye

An image of an eye with different parts of it labelled - Pupil, hole in the front of the eye, iris, coloured part of the eye, lens goes across the eye, retina at the back of the eye and optic nerve a cord coming from the back of the eye

The eye contains a natural to focus light from an object to produce an image.

This image is detected by photo-sensitive cells in the back of the eye, in a part called the .

The cells in the retina produce electrical impulses when they absorb light, and these impulses are passed along the to the brain, which interprets them as vision.

How the eye 鈥榮ees鈥

A diagram of an eye looking at a tree - Light from the tree goes into the eye and the lens focuses it on the back of the eyeball.
Figure caption,
Light is focused onto the retina at the back of the eye

Find out how the human eye and brain work together to create sight.

What is the blind spot?

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Cameras are devices that focus light from an object onto a material using a lens.

In older cameras, the photo-sensitive material was camera film. When the film absorbed light, a chemical change produced an image on the film, called the 鈥榥egative鈥. This was used to produce a photograph on photo-sensitive paper.

In a modern camera such as a smartphone camera, the photo-sensitive material produces electrical impulses, which are used to produce an image file. This can be viewed on the screen, or its information can be shared digitally and printed out.

A diagram showing how the light from an object travels through the lens and focuses on the photo-sensitive surface in a camera
Figure caption,
A cross-section of a camera
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Image formation in cameras and eyes

Cameras and eyes both use to produce an image, which is detected by light sensitive material. For example special photographic paper in the case of a camera and light sensitive cells in the retina of the eye.The rays of light are by the lens and brought to a focus on the light sensitive material.

The lens in your eye can change shape to focus objects at nearby or far away.

Cameras often use a system of lenses, which can be moved to produce focused images of objects which are different distances from the camera.

An illustration of how the eye uses the lens to focus light on the retina when looking at distant and close objects
Image caption,
The lens in your eye changes shape, to produced focused images of objects which are nearby or far away
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Compare a camera and an eye

An image of a person holding a camera up to their eye, in the camera lens, there is an image of an eye

Cameras and eyes have some similarities:

  • They both use lenses to focus light on to a light sensitive material
  • They also both produce inverted (upside down) images, which then need to be 鈥榝lipped鈥 by your brain, or the electronic image processing system in the camera

There are also some important differences between cameras and eyes:

  • The lens in your eye can change shape to focus on objects at different distances
  • The lens in a camera is a fixed shape but may be adjusted to focus on objects at different distances
  • Light entering your eye is focused on light sensitive cells in your retina
  • Light entering a camera is focused on to a sensor, which produces electrical signals
  • The image produced by a camera is transferred as electrical signals to a memory card, where it is saved
  • The image produced by your eyes is transferred as electrical signals along the optic nerve, to your brain
An image of a person holding a camera up to their eye, in the camera lens, there is an image of an eye
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