
  • Angle, symmetry and transformation

    • Labelling, drawing and measuring angles

      Angles are often described using three letters. Angles can be drawn and measured using a protractor.

    • Finding angles between lines

      Complementary angles form a right angle. Supplementary angles form a straight line. Parallel lines in shapes can form corresponding and alternate angles. You can use these properties to find missing angles.

    • Angles in triangles and quadrilaterals

      Angles inside a shape are called interior angles. Interior angles in a triangle add up to 180掳. Interior angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360掳.

    • Symmetry and 2D shapes

      Parts of a shape on either side of a line of symmetry will be exact mirror images of each other. Different two-dimensional shapes have different numbers of lines of symmetry.

    • Linear scale factor

      Similar figures are identical in shape, but generally not in size. A missing length on a reduction/enlargement figure can be calculated by finding its linear scale factor.