
What is a complex structure?

An illustration of a boy looking thoughtful and wearing safety goggles with a pencil tucked behind his ear.

A structure is a 3D shape made from different materials and parts.

Some can be simple to build, such as a wall. Others can be complex, or harder to build, such as a bridge or a building.

The strength of a structure can be affected by the materials it is made from and how its parts are connected together and supported.

An illustration of a boy looking thoughtful and wearing safety goggles with a pencil tucked behind his ear.
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Join Fran, Richard and Charlotte as they use triangles to strengthen a frame structure.

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Stone and brick structures

Brick and stone are popular, strong building materials. They can be placed on top of each other and joined together to make a structure.

Structures made from these materials are often made stronger by using:

  • brick bonding - overlapping the edges of the stones and bricks as they are placed on top of each other
  • buttresses - thicker walls near the bottom of the outside of a structure that form a triangle shape
The ruins of a castle still supported by buttresses - stone bricks arranged to form a triangular support
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Wooden structures

Wood is often naturally strong and it can be strengthened further when needed to help build bigger and more structures.

There are many reasons for using wood to build structures:

  • it can be cut easily and made into different shapes and sizes

  • it is lighter than other materials such as brick and steel

  • it is affordable, many types wood are cheaper than other materials such as brick and steel

  • it is a material, as we cut down and use trees, more can be planted for future use

A view from inside a covered wooden truss footbridge.
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Metal structures

Structures made from metal can be bigger and stronger than those made of stone or wood. Steel is a very strong metal that is used to build tall buildings. Aluminium is a lightweight and cheaper metal.

Metal is often chosen as a building material instead of wood because:

  • it is stronger

  • it can be made into any shape

  • it is more and will often last longer

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, , Aeroplane The outer layer of an aeroplane is made of aluminium which is tough and lightweight.
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Strengthening techniques

Find out about these different techniques that can be used to strengthen a structure.


The Eiffel tower on a sunny day. A crowd on the grass at its base.

Triangles are the strongest shape. They hold their shape when weight is applied because the weight is spread downwards along their sides.

In complex structures, materials are often arranged into triangles 鈥 this is called triangulation.

This helps make a structure strong enough to support a heavy weight or to be built on a large scale.

The Eiffel tower on a sunny day. A crowd on the grass at its base.


The Ikitsuki Bridge. A blue steel truss bridge spanning a large river, resting on stone columns.

A is a frame structure made with triangles. Each triangle has that are connected and joined at the corners.

The beams work together and spread the load evenly across the whole structure, supporting the load and staying rigid and strong.

This lets truss structures carry heavy weight or reach across long distances.

The Ikitsuki Bridge. A blue steel truss bridge spanning a large river, resting on stone columns.

Beams and columns

A timber framed ceiling with triangular trusses, beams and columns

A roof needs to hold a lot of weight. It rests on columns and beams. Beams are pieces of material arranged horizontally. Columns are pieces of material that are arranged vertically.

Rain, wind and snow can add heavy weight to a house roof, so columns and beams are used to help evenly spread the load and remain strong.

A timber framed ceiling with triangular trusses, beams and columns
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Features of structures

See if you can spot the features of different structures in this activity.

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Key words

BeamsLong pieces of material used to make a frame structure.
RenewableSomething that does not run out or can be replaced naturally.
RigidUnable to bend or be forced out of shape.
TrussA鈥痜rame structure with triangles, used to provide extra support and strength to another structure.
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Take this quiz to find out what you know about strengthening structures.

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