
Why did children join the war effort?

Photograph of a girl posting a World War One recruitment poster on the side of a building

Between 1914 and 1918, everyone was expected to 'do their bit' to help with war work.

Many British children were very keen to lend a hand.

They took on jobs, grew vegetables and raised money.

They wanted to support their fathers and older brothers who were away fighting on the front line and help their families and mother at home.

Photograph of a girl posting a World War One recruitment poster on the side of a building
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Watch: How children helped at home

Watch our video to find out more about how children helped with the war effort.

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What did 'growing your own' mean?

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A photograph of children tending vegetable patches during World War One, 鈥楪rowing your own鈥 food became very important There wasn't a lot of food because German U-Boats (submarines) were sinking the ships bringing supplies. Children helped by digging, weeding and looking after vegetable patches.
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Fundraising and collecting

Conkers and their shells on brown leaves

Children collected many useful things, such as blankets, books and even conkers.

Some things were sent to the soldiers at the front. Others were sold to raise funds for the war effort.

Money raised could be used to build warships or to help wounded soldiers. There was even a Blue Cross fund to help horses hurt in battle.

Conkers and their shells on brown leaves
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A photograph of schoolboys in front of a crowd carrying bags of conkers in World War One, Chemicals from conkers were used in making shells and bullets Posters were put up in schools encouraging pupils to gather conkers. Around 3,000 tonnes were collected by Britain's children in 1917.
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How did Boy Scouts help the war effort?

A boy scout delivering a message to a solder at the war office in World War One
Image caption,
Here we can see a young boy scout delivering a message to a solder at the war office.
  • They carried messages on behalf of the War Office.
  • They guarded railway lines, water reservoirs and coastline.
  • They watched the skies for attacks and sounded their bugles (a type of brass instrument) to signal when an air raid was over.
  • Rifle ranges were opened where boys learnt how to shoot, so they could help to defend Britain if it was invaded.
A boy scout delivering a message to a solder at the war office in World War One
Image caption,
Here we can see a young boy scout delivering a message to a solder at the war office.
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How did Girl Guides help the war effort?

A photograph of a group of Girl Guides during World War One
  • They knitted socks and scarves to help keep British soldiers warm.
  • They learned first aid so they could help with injuries.
  • They carried important messages and helped deliver milk.
  • Some reports even suggest that Girl Guides acted as messengers for the British Secret Service, MI5.
A photograph of a group of Girl Guides during World War One
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How did children help their families?

Many children tried hard to 'do their bit' in whatever way they could.

Sometimes this meant looking after younger brothers and sisters, helping with housework or joining long queues for food in the shops.

These small tasks were extremely helpful to the men and women who were struggling with the pressure of life in wartime.

Boy scouts working in a field during World War OneImage source, 漏 IWM Q 30597
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Activity 1: Quiz 鈥 Children during World War One

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