
A photo of a pizza cut up into slices. Each slice has a different topping.
Image caption,
Ich esse Pizza

To talk about food and drink, use the verbs essen (to eat) and trinken (to drink):

  • Ich esse Pizza - I eat pizza.
  • Ich trinke Wasser - I drink water.
A photo of a pizza cut up into slices. Each slice has a different topping.
Image caption,
Ich esse Pizza

Look at the tables below. Can you see any food and drinks you like?


der Salatsalad
der Kuchencake
der Toasttoast
der Apfelapple
die Pommeschips
die Pizzapizza
die Schokoladechocolate
die Nudelnpasta
die Marmeladejam
das Brotbread
das Obstfruit
das Gem眉sevegetables
das H盲hnchenchicken
das Currycurry
das Fleischmeat


das Colacola
das Wasserwater
der Orangensaftorange juice
die Limonadelemonade
der Kaffeecoffee
die Milchmilk
der Teetea
A photo of a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, olives and chunks of feta.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Salat

Giving opinions on food and drink

To say you like something, add the adverb gern after the verb. Add nicht if you don鈥檛 like something.

  • Ich esse gern Salat - I like eating salad.
  • Ich trinke nicht gern Wasser - I don鈥檛 like drinking water.
A photo of a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, olives and chunks of feta.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Salat
A photo of a slice of chocolate cake on a plate next to the rest of the cake.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Kuchen, denn es ist lecker!

You can add more detail to your opinions by using denn (because) with adjectives.

  • Ich esse gern Kuchen, denn es ist lecker! - I like eating cake because it is tasty.
  • Ich esse gern Curry, denn es ist scharf! - I like eating curry because it is spicy.
A photo of a slice of chocolate cake on a plate next to the rest of the cake.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Kuchen, denn es ist lecker!

To ask someone about what food and drink they like, you can ask:

  • Was isst du gern? - What do you like to eat?
  • Was trinkst du gern? - What do you like to drink?
  • Was isst du nicht gern? - What don鈥檛 you like to eat?
  • Was trinkst du nicht gern? - What don鈥檛 you like to drink?
A photo of lots of strawberries.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Erdbeeren, denn sie sind 办枚蝉迟濒颈肠丑

Talking about plural foods

When talking about a plural food or drink, change es ist (it is) to sie sind which means they are. Plural means more than one of something.

  • Ich esse nicht gern Pommes, denn sie sind salzig - I don鈥檛 like eating chips because they aresalty.
  • Ich esse gern Kekse, denn sie sind 蝉眉脽 - I like eating biscuits because they are sweet.
  • Ich esse gern Erdbeeren, denn sie sind 办枚蝉迟濒颈肠丑 - I like eating strawberries because they are delicious.

Can you write your own opinion sentences using the adjectives below?

A photo of lots of strawberries.
Image caption,
Ich esse gern Erdbeeren, denn sie sind 办枚蝉迟濒颈肠丑

Dietary requirements

Some people have special dietary requirements, meaning they can only eat certain foods. If you have any special dietary requirements, you may need the following phrases:

  • Ich esse kein Fleisch, denn ich bin Vegetarier - I don鈥檛 eat meat because I am vegetarian.
  • Ich trinke Sojamilch, denn ich bin Veganer - I drink soya milk because I am vegan.
  • Ich esse keine N眉sse, denn ich habe eine Allergie - I don鈥檛 eat nuts because I have an allergy.
  • Ich bin allergisch gegen Gluten - I am allergic to gluten.
  • Ich habe Z枚liakie - I have coeliac disease.

To talk about a female vegetarian or vegan, add -in to the end of Vegetarier and Veganer.

  • Sie ist Vegetarierin - She is vegeterian.
  • Sie ist Veganerin - She is vegan.
das Halal-Fleischhalal meat
die Milchproduktedairy
die Eiereggs
die N眉ssenuts
die Erdn眉ssepeanuts
das Gluten gluten
der Weizenwheat
die Z枚liakiecoeliac disease

Talking about what you eat for different meals

Meals are an important part of talking about eating food. In German, the verb always has to be the second idea in a sentence. When talking or writing about meal times, place the verb straight after the meal phrase, like zum Fr眉hst眉ck (for breakfast) or zum Mittagessen (for lunch).

  • Zum Fr眉hst眉ck esse ich Toast und Marmelade - For breakfast I eat toast and jam.
  • Zum Mittagessen esse ich Pizza und ich trinke Wasser - For lunch I eat pizza and I drink water.
  • Zum Abendessen esse ich gern H盲hnchen und Gem眉se, denn es ist lecker - For dinner I like eating chicken and vegetables because it is tasty.
das Fr眉hst眉ckbreakfast
das Mittagessenlunch
das Abendessenevening meal/dinner


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