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What is a conflict?

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Key points

  • Conflict can occur when groups of people are competing for the use of the same space or piece of land.
  • The physical environment can often be the cause of conflict.
  • Conflict often has an impact on the environment.
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What is conflict?

Two people - One holding a piece of paper on a clipboard with a slogan on their t-shirt, the other signing the piece of paper
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Someone signing a petition to support human rights

When geographers talk about , they are talking about different groups of people with competing interests fighting over a . They may be competing for control of the space, the in the space or how that space is used.

Conflict may take the form of a polite disagreement, such as a letter in a newspaper or a , or something more violent, such as an armed or war.

Two people - One holding a piece of paper on a clipboard with a slogan on their t-shirt, the other signing the piece of paper
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Someone signing a petition to support human rights

Conflict can also occur at a number of different scales, from local to global.

localA disagreement over the choice of sea defence for a coastal village.
regionalGroups of people with different opinions over the building of a new reservoir.
nationalA civil war over the political control of a country.
internationalA political or armed conflict over the control of a territory.
globalDisagreement between nations over environmental issues such as how to deal with the threat of climate change.


At what scales can conflict occur?

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The impact of conflict

Conflict has an impact on other areas of geography. For example, war or conflict can lead to environmental destruction, such as by the use of chemical or nuclear weapons or through attacks on oil facilities which can lead to the pollution of large areas of land. Destruction of crops and water supplies can lead to food shortages.

Conflict can also impact on the development of a country by committing valuable resources to the rather than focussing on improvement to .

A line of tractors driving down the street
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Conflict can sometimes be at a national scale and doesn鈥檛 always have to be violent. This is from a demonstration by farmers about rules on agriculture.
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The geography of conflict

As well as affecting geography, geography can influence conflict. For example, the control of certain in an area may lead to war. This could be for control of energy resources, such as the role oil was said to have played in the Iraq war, or water resources as was the case in Darfur, in Western Sudan, Africa in 2003.

The conflict in Darfur is known as the 鈥檉irst climate change鈥 conflict as one of the causes of the war in Darfur was a conflict over control of water resources between herders and permanently settled farmers who farmed the land.

change has led to an increase in and meaning that these supplies were becoming more scarce. An estimated 480,000 people died in the conflict and 2.8 million people became refugees.

A group of people on a sandy ground collecting plastic containers of water.
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Refugees collecting water from a well in a refugee camp in close to the Sudanese border. More than 23,000 refugees from Darfur lived in the camp.

Geography can also influence the outcome of a war. For example, large mountain ranges can offer wide views over the landscape and the defensive advantage of being on high ground. A river might protect a country from attack as or are forced to wade across rivers, use boats or construct bridges leaving them open to attack. Wooded areas may also make it easier to hide and more difficult for the enemy to use large vehicles such as tanks.

Even climate might provide a strategic advantage for a country's success in conflict. Rain may make the ground soft, causing those on the attack to get stuck or slowed down. Harsh, cold winters, have often been thought responsible for a country鈥檚 success in defending itself against invaders, as is the case in Afghanistan. During the winter months, temperatures in Afghanistan can drop to below freezing and snowfall often makes large parts of the country inaccessible. This means that the movement of troops and supplies can be difficult.

A tank in a city covered in snow
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A local man clears snow near an abandoned Soviet tank in Afghanistan on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan


Conflict over which resource is thought to have been one of the causes of the war in Darfur?

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Current conflicts

This section was written in July 2022.

International conflicts may arise between nations due to disagreements over who controls land or resources.There may also be disputes which occur as a result of a political argument or over rights to control territories.

Current conflicts include:

  • Ukraine 鈥 Ukraine was invaded by its neighbour Russia in February 2022. There has been conflict between the two countries since 2014, when Russia invaded and took control of the Crimean peninsula, which is a part of Ukraine. Relationships between Russia and its neighbouring countries have been complex since the USSR collapsed in 1991. At least 12 million people have fled their homes in Ukraine in 2022 (United Nations figures correct in July 2022).

  • Syria 鈥 Since an uprising began in 2011, there has been a civil war in Syria. It started when Syrian citizens began protesting against high unemployment, , corruption and a lack of political freedom. Many foreign countries have since supplied arms and aid to the various factions fighting the civil war.

  • Yemen 鈥 The president of Yemen fled the country in 2014 when Houthi Shia Muslim rebels took control of the capital Sanaa. Since 2015 Saudi Arabia and eight other mostly Sunni Arab states have conducted air strikes against the Houthis, with the aim of restoring the government. It is estimated that 74 per cent of the population of Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance.

Debris, car damage in a war zone of Taiz city in Yemen, buildings falling down barely standing flattened damaged cars surrounded by rubble.
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Infrastructure destroyed during the war between the Popular Resistance and Al-Houthi militia in Taiz City, Yemen.

Conflict can slow down a country's rate of development This means that many citizens may suffer due to a lack of investment in their healthcare, education and infrastructure.

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