
An illustration of a young girl and young boy reading in a big green armchair.

What are instructions?

Instructions tell people what to do and how to do it.

They need to be clear and precise so that the reader or listener can follow them.

When you read instructions, it's important to read slowly and carefully so that you don't miss anything.

You should:

  • read the title.

  • read through each instruction in the right order.

  • pay attention to the bossy verbs because they tell you what to do.

An illustration of a young girl and young boy reading in a big green armchair.
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Watch: Command sentences

Instructions are written in command sentences. Watch this video to find out more about commands.

Watch this video all about command sentences.

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An illustration of a young girl pointing and a bubble saying 'Top tip'.

Top tip!

Before you follow a set of instructions you should read them fully, from start to finish.

This way, you can make sure that you understand what to do and have all the things you need.

An illustration of a young girl pointing and a bubble saying 'Top tip'.
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Activity 1

Let鈥檚 be bossy!

When you give commands, you can sound bossy. That鈥檚 because you are telling people what to do!

Read the sentences in this quiz below and decide if they are a command or not.

If you鈥檙e unsure, try reading the sentence out loud.

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An illustration of a young girl thinking with question marks around her.

Activity 2

Let鈥檚 find some bossy verbs!

Commands should always include a bossy verb.

It's useful to spot them so you know what actions to take.

Read the commands below and point to the bossy verb.

Top tip!
Some commands contain more than one bossy verb.

  1. Get your book.

  2. Stand up now.

  3. Bring the bike to me.

  4. Put your lunchbox on the table and sit on the carpet.

  5. Stop talking and colour the picture.

You can your answers with this

An illustration of a young girl thinking with question marks around her.
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An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.

Activity 3

Let鈥檚 read some instructions!

Read these instructions about How to make a Cardboard Butterfly.

Make a list of all the bossy verbs you can see.

There are 11 to spot! One of the bossy verbs appears twice.

You can check your answers with this

An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.
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Head to the dojo to become an expert in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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