Rivers and Water
Local rivers and how they function
The best way to understand how local rivers work is to get out and see for yourself. The Curly Burn river in Limavady is a great example.
Processes in the river
As rivers flow towards the sea, they change the landscape they pass through. These processes are known as erosion, transportation and deposition.
River management
When rivers flood, people living nearby face hardship and danger. A local example is the Connswater river in Belfast where flood alleviation schemes have made a big difference.
River processes and landforms
Learn about river processes and landforms, and how river form part of the water cycle.
Rivers and flooding
It is important to understand what causes flooding and what the effects can be. Flood prevention processes help to reduce damage and protect people in the event of a flood.
The water cycle and river terminology
The water cycle is the journey water takes as it moves from the land to the sky and back again. It follows a cycle of evaporation, condensation and precipitation.