
Wanda gets the 'Big Book of Things to Know by 8戮' to teach her how trees can save the planet

Old friends

There are so many trees around us that it is easy to take them for granted and forget what incredible living things they really are!

Trees have existed for millions of years. They were growing long before humans came along.

So, they know a thing or two about the planet.

Trees help to clear the air of pollution
Image caption,
Trees help to clear the air of pollution

Trees breathe

Because trees are living things, they breathe. But instead of using oxygen like we do, they take in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen!

Carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas, and we produce lots of it. Not only from the breath of billions of people, but also from pollution created by car exhausts, planes and factories.

So we really need trees to help keep the world balanced and cool, and to reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

Trees help us in lots of other ways too. They provide oranges, apples, lemons and many other fruits for us to eat.

Also, many medicines and traditional remedies are extracted from the bark, leaves and berries of trees.

Trees are good for us!

Protect our trees

They also play a major role in creating shelter, which is essential for life.

Wood has always been used to build houses, from basic huts to modern and environmentally friendly homes.

Of course, we must be careful how we manage the cutting down of trees to create timber for construction.

If we chop down too many trees to build towns and cities, we will begin to lose all the benefits they bring.

There are different rules in different countries about how many and what type of trees you can cut down.

There are also lots of tree planting schemes to make sure we replace the trees we lose.

Shelter for animals

As well as being essential for human life, trees are great for animals and insects too.

Where would birds be without trees in which to build their nests?

Where would squirrels go to sleep and store their nuts?

All over the world, all sorts of wonderful and exotic animals live in trees. These include koalas, geckos, gibbons, spider monkeys, tree frogs, sloths and silky anteaters.

A single oak tree can be home to 500 different species of animals and insects.

Take a close look the next time you pass one!

Awesome trees

Of course, we shouldn鈥檛 forget that trees are also beautiful to look at and great to play in.

Being in a forest makes you feel calm and happy. Touching and climbing trees is a wonderful way to enjoy being outdoors. Research has shown that communities with a lot of trees are very peaceful and orderly.

There are thousands of different species of trees, but the tallest are the Redwood trees.

The tallest of all the Redwoods is called Hyperion. This giant is nearly 400 feet high and is between 600 and 800 years old! It is growing in a national park in California, but its exact location is a secret in case somebody might try to chop it down.

Hug a tree

The next time you are out in a park or forest, or even on a tree-lined street, take a moment to look up at the trees.

Look at the branches and the bark and see how they differ from tree to tree.

Find out their names and get to know them by the shape of their leaves.

Trees are an amazing part of our beautiful planet. Get to know them better!

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