Graphs - WJEC
Graphs can be used to present data clearly and as a tool to aid calculations in the form of conversion graphs and travel graphs. Sometimes graphs can be used to misrepresent data.
Constructing and using tangents - Higher tier only - WJEC
Whether it is to complete geometrical work on circles or find gradients of curves, being able to construct and use tangents as well as work out the area under graphs are useful skills in mathematics.
Formulae - WJEC
Formulae are used in everyday life to calculate quantities such as wages or costs. These costs will vary depending on factors such as number of hours worked or days of hire needed.
Video playlist
Calculations using wood fuel as a renewable energy source. Video
Stefan Gates heads into the woods of Sussex to explore sustainable energy.
An approximate history of co-ordinates. Video
An animated look at the work of Rene Descartes and the cartesian co-ordinate system.
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