
  • Software design and development

    • Development methodologies

      Software design is a process with definite phases. Modern design methodology involves repeating stages of the process in a cycle until a satisfactory piece of software is finalised.

    • Analysis

      The purpose of a piece of software is the starting point for the analysis phase. The purpose and functional requirements can be defined in terms of inputs, processes and outputs.

    • Design

      Pseudocode, flow charts and structure diagram are techniques that are used to design software. These allow data flow, constructs and variables to be identified before coding begins.

    • Implementation: Data types and structures

      Data is stored differently depending on its type. Numbers are stored as integers or real numbers, text as string or characters. Lists of the same type of data can be stored in an array.

    • Implementation: Computational constructs

      Programs use computational constructs such as loops and predefined functions to break programs up into sections. This makes programs more compact, easier to write and easier to maintain.

    • Implementation: Algorithm specification

      Algorithms are created to allow users to tell a computer how to solve a problem. Understanding how to construct three of the most common algorithms is a critical skill for budding software developers.

    • Testing and documentation

      The aim of testing is to prevent software failure. Using normal, exceptional and extreme test data as part of a test plan will reduce the prevalence of syntax, logic and execution errors in code.

    • Evaluation

      Appropriate use of coding constructs is evaluated to determine the efficiency of software as it relates to use of RAM. Software is measured against the functional requirements to evaluate fitness for purpose.

    • Reference language

      It is important to read and understand a formal language. Declaring variables and data types, using selection statements, iteration and using operators are comprehensions required before coding.
