
What are sounds and how are they made? Let's find out!

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Let's learn about sounds!

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What are sounds?

A diagram explaining how sounds travel to our ears as vibrations.

Do you know what sound is?

All sounds share one thing in common. They are caused when something vibrates.

This means it shakes or wobbles very quickly.

Tiny shaking movements back and forth are called . The vibrations travel from the object through the air to our ears where our brains work out what the sound is and what it means.

Vibrations can be produced in lots of different ways.

A diagram explaining how sounds travel to our ears as vibrations.

Try this

Child's hand touching loudspeaker
  1. Play music through a speaker.

  2. Gently touch the surface of the speaker.

Can you feel the vibrations?

Child's hand touching loudspeaker
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How can you make sounds?

Can you think of different ways you can make a sound?

Lots of different things make different sounds.

You can make sounds with your voice, with different objects, or even with musical instruments.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, , Hitting a drum causes the skin of the drum to vibrate and produce a sound.
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Why do different objects make different sounds?

Different objects make different sounds depending on the materials they are made of, how the vibrations are produced, and how big they are.

All these things can change the volume of sounds.

Hitting a tin with a spoon makes a loud clang.

Hitting a tin can with a spoon makes a loud sound because the hard metal vibrates well.

Hitting a tin with a spoon makes a loud clang.
Hitting a pillow with a spoon makes a quiet thud.

Hitting a pillow makes a quiet sound because the pillow is made of soft materials that don't vibrate very well.

Hitting a pillow with a spoon makes a quiet thud.

The volume of a sound means how loud or quiet it is.

Hitting a cymbal gently makes a quiet sound.

Hitting a cymbal softly makes a quiet sound.

Hitting a cymbal gently makes a quiet sound.
Hitting a cymbal hard makes a loud crash.

Hitting a cymbal hard makes a very loud sound.

Hitting a cymbal hard makes a loud crash.

The size of object making a sound can change how loud it is.

A mouse has a quiet squeak. A lion has a loud roar.

A small mouse makes a quiet squeak.

A big lion makes a loud roar.

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Sounds and our ears

Boy with hearing aid against a coloured background.
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Hearing aids can make some sounds louder and easier to hear.

Very loud sounds can damage our ears. 馃憘

Sometimes we have to protect our ears from loud sounds, for example workers on a building site or at a noisy airport wear ear defenders.馃带

Airport worker wearing ear defenders.
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Airport workers wear ear defenders. These protect their hearing from noisy jet engines.
Smoke alarm against coloured background.
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A smoke alarm makes an uncomfortable sound so that we hear it and pay attention.

We all hear sounds slightly differently; some sounds we like and other sounds we don't like.

Music is composed to sound nice but a smoke alarm is designed to sound uncomfortable so we have to take some action.

What sounds do you like? 馃憤

What sounds do you not like? 馃憥

Smoke alarm against coloured background.
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A smoke alarm makes an uncomfortable sound so that we hear it and pay attention.
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Key words

鈥 What an object is made of, for example wood, metal, plastic, glass or cloth.

鈥 Tiny movements back and forth in a material.

鈥 How loud or quiet a sound is.

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Science lab:

Make your own musical sounds!

You will need:

  • kitchen pots and pans

  • a tea towel

  • different objects to hit them with (e.g. a wooden spoon, a pencil, a straw)

Watch this video to find out what to do!

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Do you want to find out how much you've learned about making sounds? Try our fun quiz!

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