
Introduction to resources from the Earth

Key points

  • Many of the resources we extract from the Earth are finite.
  • Data shows us which resources are at risk of running out quickly.
  • Recycling is one way we can reduce the extraction of finite resources.
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A video about resources from the Earth

A video that looks at how many commonly used metals such as indium, lithium and cobalt can be recycled and reused

Finite resources are resources that will eventually run out. What is another name for finite resources?

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Finite and renewable resources

Humans extract many resources from the Earth that can then be turned into useful substances or products. Resources are extracted from the air (atmosphere), water and land.

Some resources are . However, others are .

1. Finite resources

The roof of a building made from slate
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Slate is often seen on the roofs of buildings

Lots of the resources that humans use are finite. This means their supply is limited and they will eventually run out.

For example, slate is a type of stone used in building and is often used for roof materials. Slate is from and will eventually run out, so it's a finite resource.

The roof of a building made from slate
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Slate is often seen on the roofs of buildings

2. Renewable resources

Wood being used in construction
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Wood can be used in the construction of housing

Some resources are renewable which means they can be replaced.

Wood is used in building. It is not a finite resource as more wood can be used by growing more trees. Wood is a renewable resource.

However, it's important to still use wood sustainably. This means not using it up any faster than it can grow back.

Wood being used in construction
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Wood can be used in the construction of housing

Why are types of stone like sandstone and slate finite resources?

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Using up resources

How quickly a resource is depleted (used up) depends on two main factors:

  • how much of the resource there currently is
  • how quickly it is being used up

Some resources are at risk of rapid depletion because they are scarce or being used up quickly.

The table shows some data demonstrating the number of years until a particular resource is depleted (used up). Data for the current amount of a resource is used to calculate these timeframes.

Finite resourceYears until depleted (current level of use)Years until depleted (increased level of use)

The second column shows how many years it would take for the resource to be completely used up if we carry on using it at the current level.

The third column shows how many years it would take for the resource to be used up if we start to use it more quickly than we are currently doing.

For example, the speed of would increase if there was a greater demand for the resource (due to a larger population) or if the resource started to be used in a new technology.

As the data shows, some of the resources are at risk of rapid depletion. Unless the way that they are used is changed, both copper and oil could be depleted in less than 20 years. Aluminium, on the other hand, is not at high risk of depletion.

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Did you know?

Indium is a rare metal used in flat screen displays like mobile phones and TVs, as well as solar panels and batteries. Demand for indium is increasing as people buy more electronic products. This has led to containing indium being classified as critical minerals.

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The inside of a smartphone showing its inner electronics
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Indium is a rare metal which is used in mobile phones

What name is given to minerals which contain finite resources that are in danger of getting used up very quickly?

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Extract more or recycle?

is one way that we can reduce the amount of finite resources being extracted from the Earth.

For example, there are two options for what could happen to an empty aluminium drink can:

  1. It could be thrown in the bin and end up in a site. If this happens a new aluminium can will need to be made to replace it, so that more drinks can be sold. More aluminium will need to be extracted from the Earth鈥檚 crust to meet this demand.

  2. The can could be recycled so that the aluminium metal it contains can be used to make a new can.

1. Extracting more resources from the Earth

A bauxite mine which is used to produce aluminium

The first option means more aluminium would need to be extracted:

  • aluminium is extracted from minerals found in the Earth鈥檚
  • these minerals contain of aluminium, in which the aluminium are chemically bonded to other atoms
  • the extraction process involves separating the aluminium atoms from these other atoms, which requires lots of electricity
A bauxite mine which is used to produce aluminium

2. Recycling

Aluminium drink cans piled up and ready to be recycled

The second option (recycling) stops the need to extract more.

Recycling an aluminium can into usable aluminium is much simpler and uses less energy (in the form of electricity) than extracting more aluminium.

This is because the aluminium have already been separated from the other atoms that were in the original compound (as this happened when the can was first made).

The recycled cans are turned into a sheet of aluminium using processes such as cleaning and melting.

These aluminium sheets can then be made into new products like more cans or kitchen equipment.

Aluminium drink cans piled up and ready to be recycled
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Did you know?

Used aluminium drink cans can be recycled and be back on supermarket shelves as new drink cans in as little as 60 days. The energy saved by recycling one aluminium drink can is enough to power a television for three hours.

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Recycling metals like aluminium in drink cans or steel in food cans is now common. This has reduced the demand for the extraction of aluminium from the Earth鈥檚 crust. 75% of the aluminium ever made is still in productive use today, as a result of recycling.

Recycling is even more important for materials that are .

For example, it is important to recycle old electronics due to the scarcity of indium. A typical smartphone is estimated to contain around 0.2g of indium.

Old mobile phones piled up to be recycled

Did you know?

It is estimated that 1 in 4 people have five or more old mobile phones at home.

That鈥檚 more than one gram of indium sitting in every home.

Old mobile phones piled up to be recycled

Why is recycling important?

Science flasks
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Working scientifically

A typical smartphone weighing 160g is estimated to contain around:

  • 0.034 g of gold
  • 0.34 g of silver
  • 0.2 g of indium
  • 0.015 g of palladium
  • around 25 g of aluminium
  • 15 g of copper

The percentage of metal in a smartphone is a useful way of showing how much valuable metal is in a phone.

The data in the table can be used to calculate this.

MetalMass in a smartphone (g)Percentage of smartphone mass

Find out more about maths skills in science in this guide.

A typical smartphone weighs 160 g and 15% of this mass is aluminium.

What is the mass of aluminium in the smartphone?

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Play the Atomic Labs game! game

Try out practical experiments in this KS3 science game.

Play the Atomic Labs game!
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