
  • Global issues

    • Development

      Development is any improvement in the standard of living of people in a specific country. Social and economic indicators are used to measure a country's level of development.

    • Improving housing in urban areas

      Favelas are informal settlements in Brazil. Residents have to deal with a range of issues. Improving housing and services in favelas is one way to reduce development gaps.

    • Supporting development through tourism

      Tourism is an important source of income and employment is many countries. In the Maasai Mara region of Kenya, tourism organisations are involved in supporting and developing their local communities.

    • Improving global health care

      Providing health care is important to development. Reducing child mortality and ill health, and increasing life expectancy all improve people's lives and the prosperity of a country.

    • Population structures

      World population is growing rapidly. Different countries have different population structures which can be shown using population pyramids.

    • The UN Sustainable Development Goals

      The 17 goals set by the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet and help everyone prosper.