
How do you compose music?

Tchiakovsky pointing to a musical page

Making up your own music is called . People who write music are called .

When it comes to composing music or writing a song there are no set rules.

The important thing is that you enjoy creating it.

Grab an instrument, warm up your vocal chords and let's get to it!

Tchiakovsky pointing to a musical page
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What sounds can you make?

A cartoon of objects that can be used as found sounds

Sounds can be made in lots of different ways. Being able to find interesting sounds is an important part of being a composer. You can make lots of imaginative sounds using:

  • your body
  • your voice
  • everyday items

These sounds are called found sounds.

A cartoon of objects that can be used as found sounds

To make sounds, you can

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 7, A cartoon of a young girl playing the drums with text above saying "Drums", Hit
A cartoon of a young girl with her arm up and pointing

We can use every type of material from wood, metal and stone - to plastic, paper and rubber.

Exploring sounds everyday objects make, or that can be found in everyday environments, is a fun way to start composing music.

Get exploring and see what items you can find around you, to make interesting sounds!

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How do we set the scene?

Combining and layering sounds together is an important composing skill.

Imagine a scene and all the sounds that might be in it, such as a noisy restaurant. You might hear:

  • the sound of cutlery on plates
  • chairs moving
  • waiters and customers talking
  • glasses clinking
  • music or a musician playing in the background
Two people chatting in a restaurant

Close your eyes and imagine you are in a park. What sounds can you hear around you?

Image of an outside park with a swing and a fountain.

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Recreating sounds

Hasan giving a bird some seeds

Think of a place - can you recreate the sounds you might hear?

Use your own sounds, musical instruments or found sounds to create your.

You can ask family and friends to join in to help you!

Hasan giving a bird some seeds
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Guess the sound

Two young girls, one is using a pot as a drum and the other girl is whistling

With a friend or family member take it in turns to close your eyes and guess what object the other is using to create a sound.

Think carefully about what object or materials they are using to make the sound? Is it made of wood, plastic, metal, paper, rubber or stone?

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