
Watch: The 11x table

A magician's hat with a wand. Number 11 and 12 appear out of hat.

The 11 and 12 times tables have some interesting tricks that can help you to learn them.

A magician's hat with a wand. Number 11 and 12 appear out of hat.

Watch this Supermovers video with Clara the Hen to learn a fun song about the 11 times table.

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11 times table

Here is the 11 times table.

1 x 11 = 117 x 11 = 77
2 x 11 = 228 x 11 = 88
3 x 11 = 339 x 11 = 99
4 x 11 = 4410 x 11 = 110
5 x 11 = 5511 x 11 = 121
6 x 11 = 6612 x 11 = 132

What do you notice about the numbers that are multiplied by 11 up to 9?

The number you a multiplying repeats itself in the tens and ones in the answer!

But what happens when you multiply 11 by 10, 11 or 12?

10 x 11 = 110

11 x 11 = 121

12 x 11 = 132

A boy thinking

Can you see a pattern in the answers here?

The numbers that you multiply by 11 seem to separate into the hundreds and the ones columns, with a new digit in the tens.

How do you know what the digit in the tens column will be?

You add the digits in the hundreds and ones column together!

Does this work for numbers bigger than 12?

A boy thinking
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Example 1

What is 32 脳 11?

Step 1 - Separate the main number into the hundreds and the ones columns:

32 脳 11 = 3 _2

The 3 moves to the hundreds column while the 2 stays where it is.

Step 2 - How do you know what the digit in the tens column will be?

You add the digits in the hundreds and ones column together

3 + 2 = 5

32 脳 11 = 352

Top Tip

This trick will work for a lot of 2-digit numbers that you multiply by 11.

Be careful though, it doesn't work for all of them!

Top Tip
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Watch: 12 times table

Watch this Supermovers video with Chirpy Cockerel to practise the 12 times table.

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What is the 12x table?

Take a look at the 12 times table and see if you can spot a pattern.

1 x 12 = 127 x 12 = 84
2 x 12 = 248 x 12 = 96
3 x 12 = 369 x 12 = 108
4 x 12 = 4810 x 12 = 120
5 x 12 = 6011 x 12 = 132
6 x 12 = 7212 x 12 = 144

The digits in the ones column increases by 2 each time until it reaches zero, then the pattern begins again.

The digits in the tens increase almost in consecutive numbers.

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Experience Mathematica as you鈥檝e never seen it before, with all-new backgrounds and costumes for Halloween. Available for a limited time only. Use your maths skills to save the day before it's too late!

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