
River processes

  • Erosion - the wearing away of the land and the stones carried in the river.
  • - the movement of rocks, sand, and silt by the river.
  • - the dumping of rocks, sand and silt wherever the river slows down.


The main ways in which a river erodes are:

  • - wearing away of the and banks by the hitting against them.
  • - wearing down of the load as the rocks and pebbles hit the river bed and each other, breaking into smaller and more rounded pieces.
  • - breaking away of the river bed and banks by the sheer force of the water getting into small cracks.
  • Chemical action () - water dissolves minerals from the rocks and washes them away.


The main ways in which transport happens are:

  • - quite large stones can be rolled or dragged along the river bed by the force of the water.
  • - small stones which the water cannot lift, bounce off each other and are carried forward for short distances by the water above the river bed.
  • - if particles are small enough the river can lift them and carry them long distances.
  • - when the river dissolves minerals from the rocks they are carried in the water itself.


The main way in which deposition happens is through loss of speed. When a river slows down on the inside of bends or when it meets deeper water - such as a lake - it loses energy and cannot carry so much. This causes it to drop some of its load.

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