Three young people in France talk about their experiences of education and work. Listen to what they have to say and then answer the questions that follow.
Why does Marie-Claire like the Spanish teacher?
Marie-Claire likes the Spanish teacher because The teacher is very interesting and she helps the pupils as she says la prof est tr猫s int茅ressante et elle aide les 茅l猫ves qui ont des difficult茅s.
Why does she not like maths?
She does not like maths because the teacher doesn't like the pupils and because the teacher gives too much homework as she says mon prof n鈥檃ime pas les 茅l猫ves. En plus il nous donne trop de devoirs.
What does Marie-Claire want to do when she leaves school?
When she leaves school Marie-Claire wants to take a gap year as she says apr猫s avoir quitt茅 le lyc茅e j鈥檃imerais prendre une ann茅e sabbatique pour me reposer et m鈥檃muser apr猫s les examens.
What does she want to do in the future?
In the future she wants to work abroad and teach English because she says j鈥檌rai 脿 l鈥檜niversit茅 pour 茅tudier les langues. J鈥檈sp猫re 锚tre prof d鈥檃nglais et travailler 脿 l鈥櫭﹖ranger 鈥 peut-锚tre aux Etats-Unis.