
Key verbs - auxiliaries, avoir and 锚tre, and modal verbs Verbs with similar meanings - 肠辞苍苍补卯迟谤别 and savoir

Find out how to use key verbs for different tenses. Common verb forms used in French are auxiliary verbs, expressions with avoir and 锚tre and modal verbs.

Part of FrenchVerbs and tenses

Verbs with similar meanings - 肠辞苍苍补卯迟谤别 and savoir

These two verbs are often mixed up in French as they mean similar things, but there is a distinct difference:

  • savoir means to know (a fact)
  • 肠辞苍苍补卯迟谤别 means to know a person, eg be acquainted with, or to know a place

Here are some examples:

  • je sais faire du patinage - I know how to ice-skate
  • oui, je sais bien ! - yes, I know!
  • il savait que tu 茅tais malade - he knew you were ill
  • tu connais mon fr猫re Luc ? - do you know my brother Luke?
  • oui, je le connais ! - yes, I know him
  • connaissez-vous bien Londres ? - do you know London well?