

are often used to investigate the of salts, and of solutions of . Graphite electrodes are electrodes because they do not take part in the electrolysis reactions. Instead, they provide a surface on which these reactions can happen.

uses electrolysis to put a thin layer of a metal onto a metal object. The electrodes used in electroplating are non-inert - they do take part in the electrolysis reactions.

Improving properties

One use of electroplating is to improve the resistance of metal objects to . It also improves their appearance and may be used to produce gold-plated jewellery.

To carry out electroplating:

  • the negatively charged is the object to be plated
  • the positively charged is the plating metal
  • the contains of the plating metal

For example, steel cutlery can be electroplated with silver using a silver anode and silver nitrate solution.

A demonstration of electroplating a copper coin with zinc

Purifying copper

Another use of electroplating is to purify copper on an industrial scale for use in electrical wiring:

  • the cathode is pure copper
  • the anode is impure copper, produced from copper
  • the electrolyte is copper(II) sulfate solution

When the dc power supply is turned on:

  • at the cathode, copper ions from the electrolyte gain electrons and become copper atoms:
    • Cu2+(aq) + 2e- 鈫 Cu(s)
  • at the anode, copper atoms lose electrons and become copper ions in the electrolyte:
    • Cu(s) 鈫 Cu2+(aq) + 2e-

Over time, the pure copper cathode increases in mass and the impure copper anode decreases in mass. Impurities collect underneath the anode.