
Unhealthy relationships

The signs of an unhealthy relationship are easy to spot. People stop communicating, become less close physically, and show less love and respect for each other.

There are many reasons that a relationship might break down.

Often it has to do with the personalities, attitudes and behaviours of the individuals. Other causes come from outside the relationship. Here are two examples:

Young parenting

Young parents are often emotionally unprepared for the experience of childrearing.

It can damage their ambitions in school and life, cause financial problems, and lead to a great deal of stress.

Teenaged couples often break up, leaving even more pressure on the parent who is left alone.

Cultural practices

Fifteen million girls are married before the age of 18 every year, according to Girls Not Brides (www.girlsnotbrides.org).

The practice is rooted in gender inequality, and the belief in some cultures that girls and women are somehow inferior to boys and men.

Girls are seen as a drain on family resources, which gives rise to the belief that they must be married off as soon as possible.

However, marrying at such an early age makes it almost impossible for these girls to form healthy and trusting relationships with their partners. They are likely to lack equality and respect.

Arranged and forced marriages

Arranged marriages have been the norm throughout history.

Families used marriage to seal alliances, merge financial interests, or because of physical disabilities. While some arranged marriages are happy, many people believe that it is not the best way to nurture a healthy relationship.