ٲɲ… follows the same pattern as Ǵڴڷɲ…, but it means should.
Read the following excerpt from an article Iwan has written about environmental problems. Notice how he uses different parts of the verb to talk about what I should do, what we should do, what they should do and what everyone should do. Look at verb endings to remind yourself of the patterns.
Problemau’r amgylchedd
Mae llawer o broblemau heddiw.
Mae gormod o bobl yn taflu sbwriel i’r bin ond dylen nhw ailgylchu papur, cardbord, poteli plastig a bwyd gwastraffwaste food . A bod yn onest, dw i ddim yn ailgylchu digonenough . Dylwn i ailgylchu mwy!
Hefyd, mae gormodtoo many o car - ceircar - cars ar y ffordd. Dylai pobl gerdded mwy a dylwn i ddefnyddio’r beic yn lle gofyn i Mam am lifft yn y car.
Dylen ni i gydall ’r amgylcheddY byd o’n cwmpas. .
Find the following in the text:
- We should all help the environment.
- They should recycle paper.
- People should walk more.
- I should use the bike.
- I should recycle more.
- Dylen ni i gyd ’r amgylchedd.
- Dylen nhw ailgylchu papur.
- Dylai pobl gerdded mwy.
- Dylwn i ddefnyddio’r beic.
- Dylwn i ailgylchu mwy.
Look again at this sentence:
Dylen ni i gyd ’r amgylchedd.
Why not prepare a piece, using Dylwn i…, and possibly other forms of the verb, to say how we could help the environment?
You could also use Gallwn i… – I could…, which works in exactly the same way as Hoffwn i… and Dylwn i…
Compare these sentences with the ones you found in the text above, for example.
- Gallen ni i gyd ’r amgylchedd. – We could all help the environment.
- Gallen nhw ailgylchu papur. – They could recycle paper.
- Gallai pobl gerdded mwy. – People could walk more.
- Gallwn i ddefnyddio’r beic. – I could use the bike.
- Gallwn i ailgylchu mwy. – I could recycle more.