Fractions are calculations involving a fraction of a quantity, shape or object. Equivalent fractions allow cancelling to simplest form.
Part of Application of MathsNumeracy
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Sometimes you can divide the top and bottom of a fraction by the same number. This is called cancelling down.
It is also called simplifying the fraction. You often have to write a fraction in its simplest form.
This means that you have to cancel it down until it cannot be cancelled down any more.
Write this fraction in its simplest form: \(\frac{{12}}{{16}}\)
Divide by \(4\).
You can do this in two stages.
Dividing top and bottom by \(2\) gives you \(\frac{6}{8}\).
Then dividing top and bottom by \(2\) again, you get \(\frac{3}{4}\).
If you had divided top and bottom originally by \(4\) you would have reached the answer more quickly.
When you have worked out a fraction question, you should always cancel the fraction down to the simplest form.