
Conclusions-based questions

This is a question where you are to come to conclusions on the four bullet points given based on the sources. You then use the sources to justify those conclusions.

Your conclusions should be based on all of the four bullet points given if you want to achieve full marks. The best answers link information both within and between sources. By the end of your answer you should have used each source at least once.

Three mark conclusion

This answer needs a conclusion that is your own. You should then back this conclusion up by using two pieces of information from either one or two sources.

Your conclusion should make a judgement by using evaluative words or phrases such as: Trading with other countries is very important to Brazil.

Two mark conclusion

The conclusion does not have to be your own. You can quote directly from one of the sources and be supported from evidence from the sources.

One mark conclusion

This is when you identify evidence that matches with the bullet point but doesn't come to a conclusion No matter how many pieces of evidence you give this type of answer only achieves one mark per bullet point.

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